Well today was the day I had been looking forward to for a very long time. A combo celebration of Earth Day and setting a World Record for 'the most cloth diapers changed simultaneously around the world'. John and I woke up around 945 and started getting ready then I woke up Kenz- yeah that's a switch, then we were out the door- I had prepared everything the night before so all I had to do was put on make-up and get Kenz and I dressed. She was sporting a springtime ensemble for the event, her Easter Dress from her Pawpaw.

Anyways, we headed out to The Merry Go Round store which hosted our local Cloth Diaper Change. We arrived early so we could get our diaper inspected and get our goody bag we won for being one of the first participants to sign-up, it contained lots of cool stuff, mostly coopins, and free samples! Well then we headed next door to the Gymboree Place, they have a big open space where we all sat, and listened to Mrs. Liz talk about the rules and how excited she was that so many people turned up, I think our final count was 27. I couldn't believe I was seeing so many fluffy butts in real life, BumGenius, FuzziBunz and Best Bottoms- Oh My!
Then at I got Makenzie ready to be changed from her "Mom's in the House" diaper (
http://hyenacart.com/momsinthehouse/) into a BumGenius 3.0 pocket diaper in "Ribbit Green" (

As it got closer to 1130 everyone was settled in and ready to change their little ones diaper!
As soon as the official buzzer rang everyone started and it was so great! I mean I know you are probably thinking, "WTF you change diapers all day everyday, what was so 'great'?" Well just knowing that we were setting a Guinness World Record and at that exact moment
hundreds thousands of people all over the
World were gathered to change cloth diapers for the same reason as us! I really think that the media attention this gets will help more people realize that Cloth Diapers have changed with the times, and people might think about the tons of waste they are putting into a landfill for each child they use disposable diapers on. As a person that has used both disposable and cloth diapers I can say that cloth has been the easier and better decision for us. It is something I think every mom should try, of course not everyone will love it. But many people will realize how much easier,
cheaper and better it is for your child!
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