
New Goal:

Okay so I kinda found a great deal on a Bum Genius 4.0 Artist series (15 bucks shipped, hell yeah!). And I let temptation get to me. It will be shipped out Monday and I'm so excited. But, there is a tiny problem- I was supposed to be earning SwagBucks to buy that and have since been semi-slacking in swag (although I have $15 in Amazon gift cards headed my way). So I am wandering- should I get the gift cards, spend them on another BG 3.0 artist series or get the cost of an Ergo baby carrier? (That's 111.00 so even if I got 75 bucks in gift cards it would still be a steal). But then there is another catch- I have a Mei Tai type carrier OTW. I have tried on an ERGO and LOVE it, and I'm just trying to weigh my options- I deff will use the Mei Tai, but will it still be comfortable when she gets bigger? -I should mention that the other day at The GCDC I tried on an Ergo with Makenzie in it, I only had it on for like a minute and fell in LOVE. John didn't even want me to try it on because he knew I would love it haha. I doubt I will be able to save that amazon money, knowing it's there mocking me everyday screaming "spend me! spend me!" Hmm, they do sell "Ergo" carriers from China that look identical but don't have the Ergo name so are half the cost- but then again I would be scared to buy that.
I'm not sure, I am just mostly rambling because it's 449 am and I can't sleep- John and Kenz are passed out in bed and here I am awake, maybe it's the tea/caffeine. I'm not really sure, I laid in bed and tried to sleep- I really did but I just couldn't do it, I have so many thoughts that run through my head when I sit in silence (or in this case lay). And now I'm sitting here typing my thoughts out.
My Thoughts:
What to do for Mother's Day?
Our anniversary and my 20th birthday are both in June, it's gonna be bitchin'.
My best friend Trevor comes home in June.
What kind of car should I get when we have a bigger family?
Are we gonna be able to get a house when our lease is up, or get a town home?
I want more swag bucks, but what will I spend them on?!?!?!?

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