
This post will be dedicated to My Husband:

I have been thinking a lot today about how supportive my husband is, and how much he puts up with as me being his wife (if you haven't noticed how outspoken I am, well he lives with that haha).
We are a really fun couple that loves to joke and have fun but for a while I was scared to voice my opinions on things because I was afraid people would judge me and ridicule me. Well then I turned to the one person that I knew wouldn't... My Husband.
We were both 17 in this picture.
We had only known each other 2 months...
We've come so far since then!
Now I can say he has given me the "are you crazy woman?!" look a few times, but he listens to me and then lets me vent or do whatever I need to express myself. When I first started wanting to do things more "crunchy" like Cloth Diapering M, I think he was picturing in the 1960s when you used pins and prefolds and plastic pants. Well I bought some pocket diapers and showed him how easy it was and about 2 weeks into exclusively cloth diapering he told me how much better he liked them. And now 2 months into cloth diapering he can change diapers like a pro :)
And before I even started using cloth I became very informed on what circumcision really is (what I believe the media is hiding and want to keep hidden). And I was scared to bring up the subject of "if we every have a boy I want to leave him intact." But when I did he listened to everything I had to say (and still listens to me ramble about theories, ignorance and just my general feelings on how this practice should be 100% illegal on unconsenting minors for a non-medically necessary reason - even though I think when most Dr's do a "medically necessary circumcision" they are full of Bull$%^& but I won't go into to that).
And through all my ramblings and information I spout off everyday when faced with the discussion of circumcision he can confidently tell people the facts! He can tell them the money we save on cloth, the dangers of circ'ing and I'm sure could repeat many other things that would surprise me!
It is funny how I think he is just sitting there not listening but he really is. I love my husband very much! Thanks for working so hard so I can stay at home and raise our darling little girl!

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