
5 months ago:

5 months ago on this day I was waking up to head to the hospital to have M. It has gone by so fast, but at the same time I feel like it has been forever since it was just John & I. I never get lonely now that M is here. She is starting to "talk" so much more, and really has her own personality. Sometimes she makes this face where she pulls her chin back and it makes her have a double chin and she will say "greebahbwahboa" which I know means "I love you Mommy" in her own little language.
We have been so blessed with such a "good" baby. Some mornings I will wake up to movement only for M to be rolling around, she rarely wakes up crying anymore- she is always the one waking up and to get my attention she will jab me with her feet or poke my arms or chest or her favorite is to grab me and scratch the inside of my mouth (ouch)!
I love seeing her do new things, she is a great learner. Her newest thing is she will put her arms up when she wants to be picked up or will grab for our hands if we want to pick her up. So smart! When she gets bored in her walker she will throw her toys off of it and pop her hands up, haha. Oh and that's another thing! She can make her walker move backwards! (Only on the tile, but she still has fun in it when it's on the carpet). I can't believe it has been 5 months already, she is so truly amazing and I do not know where I would be in life without her.

I do want to end by saying, that being a mom is the greatest thing ever and has changed my whole perspective on many, many things. I do not understand how people could have a child and not want to change everything just for them.
When you have a child your life changes, and yeah you have to wake up with them, change poopy diapers, feed them and dress them. But to me, that isn't the hard part.
The hard part is staying awake worrying that you are doing everything that is best for them, worrying that they don't get hurt (now on the play ground or the future in school, love and beyond) and hoping that you can provide the best possible life for them. And teach them to make good decisions and help them until they go off and have their own family while you step back and watch them go through the same things you went through...
To me, that is the hard part. The rest is just, routine.

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