Like Mom's Milk Boutique on Facebook and Enter for a chance to win a Beco Baby Carrier!!
New Goal:
Okay so I kinda found a great deal on a Bum Genius 4.0 Artist series (15 bucks shipped, hell yeah!). And I let temptation get to me. It will be shipped out Monday and I'm so excited. But, there is a tiny problem- I was supposed to be earning SwagBucks to buy that and have since been semi-slacking in swag (although I have $15 in Amazon gift cards headed my way). So I am wandering- should I get the gift cards, spend them on another BG 3.0 artist series or get the cost of an Ergo baby carrier? (That's 111.00 so even if I got 75 bucks in gift cards it would still be a steal). But then there is another catch- I have a Mei Tai type carrier OTW. I have tried on an ERGO and LOVE it, and I'm just trying to weigh my options- I deff will use the Mei Tai, but will it still be comfortable when she gets bigger? -I should mention that the other day at The GCDC I tried on an Ergo with Makenzie in it, I only had it on for like a minute and fell in LOVE. John didn't even want me to try it on because he knew I would love it haha. I doubt I will be able to save that amazon money, knowing it's there mocking me everyday screaming "spend me! spend me!" Hmm, they do sell "Ergo" carriers from China that look identical but don't have the Ergo name so are half the cost- but then again I would be scared to buy that.
I'm not sure, I am just mostly rambling because it's 449 am and I can't sleep- John and Kenz are passed out in bed and here I am awake, maybe it's the tea/caffeine. I'm not really sure, I laid in bed and tried to sleep- I really did but I just couldn't do it, I have so many thoughts that run through my head when I sit in silence (or in this case lay). And now I'm sitting here typing my thoughts out.
My Thoughts:
What to do for Mother's Day?
Our anniversary and my 20th birthday are both in June, it's gonna be bitchin'.
My best friend Trevor comes home in June.
What kind of car should I get when we have a bigger family?
Are we gonna be able to get a house when our lease is up, or get a town home?
I want more swag bucks, but what will I spend them on?!?!?!?
I'm not sure, I am just mostly rambling because it's 449 am and I can't sleep- John and Kenz are passed out in bed and here I am awake, maybe it's the tea/caffeine. I'm not really sure, I laid in bed and tried to sleep- I really did but I just couldn't do it, I have so many thoughts that run through my head when I sit in silence (or in this case lay). And now I'm sitting here typing my thoughts out.
My Thoughts:
What to do for Mother's Day?
Our anniversary and my 20th birthday are both in June, it's gonna be bitchin'.
My best friend Trevor comes home in June.
What kind of car should I get when we have a bigger family?
Are we gonna be able to get a house when our lease is up, or get a town home?
I want more swag bucks, but what will I spend them on?!?!?!?
The Great Cloth Diaper Change:
Then at I got Makenzie ready to be changed from her "Mom's in the House" diaper ( into a BumGenius 3.0 pocket diaper in "Ribbit Green" (
As soon as the official buzzer rang everyone started and it was so great! I mean I know you are probably thinking, "WTF you change diapers all day everyday, what was so 'great'?" Well just knowing that we were setting a Guinness World Record and at that exact moment
cheaper and better it is for your child!
Earth Day/GCDC:
This Earth day has been a very different one for me because John, M & I are celebrating by taking part in The Great Cloth Diaper Change ( I am so very excited to become part of becoming a Guinness World record!! This event will be happening all over The World and maybe more people will realize how much Cloth Diapers have changed in the past 20 years! (
But I am very excited meeting other local moms that use Cloth Diapers. We will also be receiving a "goodie bag" because we were one of the first 15 people to sign up- we were actually the first people to sign-up because everyone knows John likes getting free things and he wanted to make sure we did, haha.
I will upload pictures tomorrow from the event (given I don't forget my camera like I always do!!) and will post a blog of how it goes! I am SO excited and have been looking forward to it for so long!!!
But I am very excited meeting other local moms that use Cloth Diapers. We will also be receiving a "goodie bag" because we were one of the first 15 people to sign up- we were actually the first people to sign-up because everyone knows John likes getting free things and he wanted to make sure we did, haha.
I will upload pictures tomorrow from the event (given I don't forget my camera like I always do!!) and will post a blog of how it goes! I am SO excited and have been looking forward to it for so long!!!
Life is too Boring to have A Blog:
The past couple days have been pretty uneventful. I am currently trying to sell some of the diapers I loathe using and get some new BumGenius diapers because those are the best I have used so far (except now M is strong enough to defeat the Velcro so I might have to convert to snaps but I don't wanna. I think I will just wait cause only every other day or so she notices, "Hey I can pull on this").
I really really want a BG 4.0 Artist Series in the "Eifel Tower" (black&white) print and now I have joined "Swag Bucks" and figured if I earn 1800 swag bucks then I can get a 4, $5 gift cards and a BG 4.0 artist series is 19.95 so I figure if I am gonna do SwagBucks I might as well get something I have really been wanting.

But that is just about all that has been happening, I have mostly been looking for new diapers and trying to sell the ones I hate. Also, I chilled with my Dad and Meme today. So life has been slow the past two days just a lot of cleaning and quality family time. I love it though, I wouldn't trade my old life for this. Ever. Eat your heart out.
Oooh and everyone needs to help me get swagbucks! Just go here and register: (
You don't have to do anything and it would take only a minute, Thanks so much everyone :)
You don't have to do anything and it would take only a minute, Thanks so much everyone :)
Common Sense Parenting:
Seriously, people that give their kids honey barbecue chicken (BONE AND ALL) to chew on and say "Oh the bone soothes her gums". They make me very, VERY sad. I don't really judge people when it comes to what age they start feeding their kids solids cause all babies are different and I would expect there to be some interaction with a pediatrician before hand and some knowledge of what foods are AGE APPROPRIATE. But giving a FOUR MONTH OLD child a CHICKEN BONE to chew on is NOT OKAY! (I don't care if she was "in your lap" that does not magically prevent her from choking, especially since she is laying horizontally on her back which actually heightens the chances of her choking!).
I know I talk about parenting choices I make, mostly because people are not educated. But I would have to say this is common sense? If I asked my 9 year old sister, "Hey should I give M (5months old) a chicken bone?" she would even say "Heck NO!" This has to be somewhat common knowledge, am I right? Even dogs are not supposed to chew on bones because of the risk of choking, so why would you allow a 4 month old baby to chew on one... Now I must say this post was inspired by a situation I ran into on teh interwebz but I won't name names or post links to threads from birth boards on baby websites. But it was best described as an episode of "Maury." I don't know if anyone watches that show, but if you have seen it, you know that most of the people on there are not very bright. Maybe I am being judgmental, but if someone actually thinks it is okay to give chicken bones to a baby I think they should have their ovaries removed, stat.
Babies first food, nomnomnom! |
5 months ago:
5 months ago on this day I was waking up to head to the hospital to have M. It has gone by so fast, but at the same time I feel like it has been forever since it was just John & I. I never get lonely now that M is here. She is starting to "talk" so much more, and really has her own personality. Sometimes she makes this face where she pulls her chin back and it makes her have a double chin and she will say "greebahbwahboa" which I know means "I love you Mommy" in her own little language.
We have been so blessed with such a "good" baby. Some mornings I will wake up to movement only for M to be rolling around, she rarely wakes up crying anymore- she is always the one waking up and to get my attention she will jab me with her feet or poke my arms or chest or her favorite is to grab me and scratch the inside of my mouth (ouch)!
I love seeing her do new things, she is a great learner. Her newest thing is she will put her arms up when she wants to be picked up or will grab for our hands if we want to pick her up. So smart! When she gets bored in her walker she will throw her toys off of it and pop her hands up, haha. Oh and that's another thing! She can make her walker move backwards! (Only on the tile, but she still has fun in it when it's on the carpet). I can't believe it has been 5 months already, she is so truly amazing and I do not know where I would be in life without her.
I do want to end by saying, that being a mom is the greatest thing ever and has changed my whole perspective on many, many things. I do not understand how people could have a child and not want to change everything just for them.
When you have a child your life changes, and yeah you have to wake up with them, change poopy diapers, feed them and dress them. But to me, that isn't the hard part.
The hard part is staying awake worrying that you are doing everything that is best for them, worrying that they don't get hurt (now on the play ground or the future in school, love and beyond) and hoping that you can provide the best possible life for them. And teach them to make good decisions and help them until they go off and have their own family while you step back and watch them go through the same things you went through...
To me, that is the hard part. The rest is just, routine.
We have been so blessed with such a "good" baby. Some mornings I will wake up to movement only for M to be rolling around, she rarely wakes up crying anymore- she is always the one waking up and to get my attention she will jab me with her feet or poke my arms or chest or her favorite is to grab me and scratch the inside of my mouth (ouch)!
I love seeing her do new things, she is a great learner. Her newest thing is she will put her arms up when she wants to be picked up or will grab for our hands if we want to pick her up. So smart! When she gets bored in her walker she will throw her toys off of it and pop her hands up, haha. Oh and that's another thing! She can make her walker move backwards! (Only on the tile, but she still has fun in it when it's on the carpet). I can't believe it has been 5 months already, she is so truly amazing and I do not know where I would be in life without her.
I do want to end by saying, that being a mom is the greatest thing ever and has changed my whole perspective on many, many things. I do not understand how people could have a child and not want to change everything just for them.
When you have a child your life changes, and yeah you have to wake up with them, change poopy diapers, feed them and dress them. But to me, that isn't the hard part.
The hard part is staying awake worrying that you are doing everything that is best for them, worrying that they don't get hurt (now on the play ground or the future in school, love and beyond) and hoping that you can provide the best possible life for them. And teach them to make good decisions and help them until they go off and have their own family while you step back and watch them go through the same things you went through...
To me, that is the hard part. The rest is just, routine.
My newest "Green" obsession:
Reusable grocery bags!!!
I have soooo many plastic bags from the grocery store in my cabinet cause I can't just throw them away, yet I keep accumulating more each time I go to the store! So I have decided that I want to invest in about 20-ish of those and use them each time I go grocery shopping (yes sometimes I end up with 20 bags of food lol- we like to stock up).
So very soon I will make this investment (although, we are pretty stocked for like the rest of the month) so I might forget and just do it next month! haha- But I really want to do this!
(Oh and this is another one of those things that I was venting about and my Darling Husband just said "Okay we will start using Reusable Grocery bags" he's the best!)
I have soooo many plastic bags from the grocery store in my cabinet cause I can't just throw them away, yet I keep accumulating more each time I go to the store! So I have decided that I want to invest in about 20-ish of those and use them each time I go grocery shopping (yes sometimes I end up with 20 bags of food lol- we like to stock up).
So very soon I will make this investment (although, we are pretty stocked for like the rest of the month) so I might forget and just do it next month! haha- But I really want to do this!
(Oh and this is another one of those things that I was venting about and my Darling Husband just said "Okay we will start using Reusable Grocery bags" he's the best!)
This post will be dedicated to My Husband:
I have been thinking a lot today about how supportive my husband is, and how much he puts up with as me being his wife (if you haven't noticed how outspoken I am, well he lives with that haha).
We are a really fun couple that loves to joke and have fun but for a while I was scared to voice my opinions on things because I was afraid people would judge me and ridicule me. Well then I turned to the one person that I knew wouldn't... My Husband.
Now I can say he has given me the "are you crazy woman?!" look a few times, but he listens to me and then lets me vent or do whatever I need to express myself. When I first started wanting to do things more "crunchy" like Cloth Diapering M, I think he was picturing in the 1960s when you used pins and prefolds and plastic pants. Well I bought some pocket diapers and showed him how easy it was and about 2 weeks into exclusively cloth diapering he told me how much better he liked them. And now 2 months into cloth diapering he can change diapers like a pro :)
And before I even started using cloth I became very informed on what circumcision really is (what I believe the media is hiding and want to keep hidden). And I was scared to bring up the subject of "if we every have a boy I want to leave him intact." But when I did he listened to everything I had to say (and still listens to me ramble about theories, ignorance and just my general feelings on how this practice should be 100% illegal on unconsenting minors for a non-medically necessary reason - even though I think when most Dr's do a "medically necessary circumcision" they are full of Bull$%^& but I won't go into to that).
And through all my ramblings and information I spout off everyday when faced with the discussion of circumcision he can confidently tell people the facts! He can tell them the money we save on cloth, the dangers of circ'ing and I'm sure could repeat many other things that would surprise me!
It is funny how I think he is just sitting there not listening but he really is. I love my husband very much! Thanks for working so hard so I can stay at home and raise our darling little girl!
We are a really fun couple that loves to joke and have fun but for a while I was scared to voice my opinions on things because I was afraid people would judge me and ridicule me. Well then I turned to the one person that I knew wouldn't... My Husband.
![]() |
We were both 17 in this picture. We had only known each other 2 months... We've come so far since then! |
And before I even started using cloth I became very informed on what circumcision really is (what I believe the media is hiding and want to keep hidden). And I was scared to bring up the subject of "if we every have a boy I want to leave him intact." But when I did he listened to everything I had to say (and still listens to me ramble about theories, ignorance and just my general feelings on how this practice should be 100% illegal on unconsenting minors for a non-medically necessary reason - even though I think when most Dr's do a "medically necessary circumcision" they are full of Bull$%^& but I won't go into to that).
And through all my ramblings and information I spout off everyday when faced with the discussion of circumcision he can confidently tell people the facts! He can tell them the money we save on cloth, the dangers of circ'ing and I'm sure could repeat many other things that would surprise me!
It is funny how I think he is just sitting there not listening but he really is. I love my husband very much! Thanks for working so hard so I can stay at home and raise our darling little girl!
I had to delete so many people from my facebook because I felt like I couldnt express myself without being ridiculed for every little post I made unless it was about M, she is the only reason anyone visits my facebook anymore. Well I decided to start fresh and show people some things that I REALLY wanted to post, well I started posting all my anti RIC info and I feel SO much better being able to speak my mind! (also, part of why I made this blog).
I just thought I'd write out part of why I deleted so many people from my Facebook, now if I offend you I'd rather you just delete me (I most likely wont notice). But now I am ading my anti-RIC friends to my page to help me educate! We all have our reasons for being against circ'ing but it all stems from a Human's rights to his/her WHOLE body.
Anyways, I hope to find more active blogging Intactivists, if you know any please leave a comment linking to their blog.
I just thought I'd write out part of why I deleted so many people from my Facebook, now if I offend you I'd rather you just delete me (I most likely wont notice). But now I am ading my anti-RIC friends to my page to help me educate! We all have our reasons for being against circ'ing but it all stems from a Human's rights to his/her WHOLE body.
Anyways, I hope to find more active blogging Intactivists, if you know any please leave a comment linking to their blog.
"Religious Reasons" or "Religious Excuses and Ignorance"
I hate hate hate when I encounter a person who defends circumcision with religion (when all else fails, right?!). Considering that the number one reason for circumcising is "to look like dad" which is even more BULLSHIT! But right now I will focus on the religious "reasons" excuse.
I will be quoting a book that has a lot of credibility to most, maybe you have heard of it?
The Bible. Yeah, pretty big deal.
Here is what The Bible has said about circumcision and what these scriptures mean to me:
I will be quoting a book that has a lot of credibility to most, maybe you have heard of it?
The Bible. Yeah, pretty big deal.
Here is what The Bible has said about circumcision and what these scriptures mean to me:
1 Corinthians 12:18"But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be."
To me, this is so self explanatory it is ridiculous for anyone to question this or not understand. We were created in God's IMAGE. Perfect.
Romans 2:28-29
28For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh . 29But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men , but from God.
I interpret this one to be saying, "It doesn't matter what's on the outside. What matters is on the inside." I know it's cheesy, but pretty much that is what this scripture says. But to dig deeper it also means (to me), you can cut off which ever part of your body you want- but if you are not obedient to the law (in this case, God's Law) it doesn't matter.
Galatians 5:1-4
1It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
2Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all. 3Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. 4You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.
Again I see this one as Christ telling Paul (the Apostle) that if you are circumcising just for the sole purpose of being saved, then there is no point of going through with it. You still have to accept Christ and follow His Law. And I'm pretty sure God would rather you obey his law with a foreskin then chop it off and follow the Devil.
Galatians 5:6 (New American Standard Bible)
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love.
Of course I said this earlier and it is so clearly written here that I don't think it needs explaining.
Galatians 6:12-15 (NIV)"
12Those who desire to make a good showing in the flesh try to compel you to be circumcised, simply so that they will not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.
Why do I Cloth Diaper? Co-Sleep? Advocate Breastfeeding? And why do I Hate Circumcision So Much?
So around 5 months ago I became a parent. And it is like a switch flipped in my body that helps me make decisions and think more logically. I have been thinking today, and I figure I will write this down and mostly explain to myself and look back on who I was and who I have become.
Cloth Diapering:
Before: While I was pregnant I was set on disposables, I calculated them into our budget I signed up for samples, coupons, etc. And I recieved many as gifts in a result of my baby showers (which I am very thankful for). But when those diapers ran out I found myself asking John to run to the store just to buy diapers, or having to take out the trash everyday to avoid yucky diapers piling up.Well that is when I researched Cloth Diapers. I found out about the chemicals that are in disposable diapers, many cancerous and illegal in other countries, ( Also the fact that it takes so many years for a disposable diaper to biodegrade that it ends up just sitting in landfills! ( These facts has helped me switch to cloth!
Which brings me to...
After: Now that I have purchased a stash of cloth diapers and been using only cloth exclusively (meaning no disposables) for over a month, almost two months, I have discovered it is so much easier, cleaner and better than I had expected! I love my Bum Genius pocket diapers! Cleaning is a breeze, I never have any leaks (except when she falls asleep over night but even than leaks are rare), and they are not full of Cancerous Chemicals and plastic like Disposable Diapers! And they won't be filling up a landfill ( cloth diapered babies have been shown to potty train earlier than babies in disposable diapers.
- "On average cloth diapered children potty train 6 months earlier than children wearing disposable diapers. Cloth diapers do not mask the sensation of wetness." (
Also, we will be saving THOUSANDS of dollars!!!( link is showing the savings if you ONLY use fuzzibunz (which are kinda expensive to me- so I am saving more by using a different and cheaper brand). But don't forget, you can use the same diapers on multiple children! Besides the fact that you can resale these for almost always 50% (or more) of the price you paid orginally! So you will be getting some of your money back!
Bed Sharing:
Before: While pregnant with Makenzie I had heard of people that Co-Sleep, also known as Bedsharing ( And I had always pictured having a crib and my baby sleeping it soundly each night while I stand over her lovingly, yeahblahblahblah.Well truth is, I decided I would wait on a crib cause I wanted her to be in the room with us in her bassinet/pack'n'play (I guess I was slowly converting, lol). Well I bought my PNP, which I loooove- it has a changing station which I said I would never use but now adore changing Kenz on it. Anyways, I digress... Well there I was in the hospital learning how to breast feed and having the nurses bring my baby to me at night every 2 hours (yes, I woke up to feed my baby-shocker!). And well the second night I had her in there with me most of the night and I just couldn't seem to get a good sleep with her in the hospital "bassinet" thing so i had her in bed with me as she nursed.
Then we cam home from the hospital which meant...
After: I started out barely sleeping anyways cause I was too worried to let her leave my arms but I had to sleep sometime and I found that she slept really good when we were stomach to stomach. She nursed better, slept better which meant I slept better. And guess what? John liked her being in there too! I loved snuggling with my baby girl, we still do everyday and night!Also I should mention that Kenzie has become a GREAT sleeper and sleeps TWELVE hours a night! And I have not had to utilize any sleep training, such as the "Cry It Out" method!( have gotten much ridicule over me wanting Kenzie to sleep in our "Family Bed" but the funny thing is, she CAN and WILL sleep on her own in her bassinet some nights. She would most likely be able to sleep in there everynight but I WANT her to be in bed with John and I. Yep, that's right I want to be close to my child! *gasp*
Before: While I was pregnant I did very minimal research on the subject of Breast Feeding I just knew "Breast was Best". SO I would always say I think I will try, but if it doesn't work out I will use formula, no biggie. Well this has to be one of the BIGGEST regrets I have of my pregnancy. I wish I would have prepared more.I also had some weird association that feeding a bottle to a baby is motherly and "what a mother does."I had actually never seen a woman breast feeding in public, so I think I had this weird idea that you weren't supposed to do it in front of people, so I had no confidence on the subject and no information.
Which leads me to how my nursing journey has been since we left the hospital:
After: I always get emotional when I write about this, but I get stronger each time. So here it goes: I came home and Makenzie nursed like a champ! Then I think it was the day she turned 2 weeks old Breast Feeding started hurting ("What is this, my body is supposed to do this, why is it hurting?!).Well long story short, Makenzie is now bottle-fed with formula and growing great! It is not poison (lol BBC mommas get that). But it is not the route I should have chose... ( with research I realize that with my next child I will be breastfeeding him and/or her until he/she is at least 1-2 years old ( And you know what? Everyone can get over that! Yes my kid will be able to walk and will still be drinking from my breast, you know why? Because that is NATURAL!
Anti-Genital Mutilation: (also known as "Circumcision")
Before: Let's back track to before I even got pregant. Well to me, I thought an intact penis was "gross" "ugly" & "dirty". You want to know why I believed these things? Because that is wat society wants us to believe... Then I became pregnant and I never really thought about circumsision but I joined babycenter ( and realized there were people on there that did not agree with circumcising their children, and my initial thought was "Eww, why not?!"Well, I found out I was having a girl and didn't give circ'ing another thought because circumcising a girl is "inhumane" and also "illegal" ( But you might be surprised to find out it has only been illegal since 1996! And in the 1800's John Harvey Kellog, yep the inventor of the corn flake, was an advocate for female and male circ'ing because they believed it would end masturbation. They also believed foreskin/masterbation cause epilipsy, insanity and many other illnesses/diseases.I will include this DIRECT QUOTE from John Harvey Kellog's book entitled, 'Plain Facts for Old and Young':
- “A remedy which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision, especially when there is any degree of phimosis. The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases. The soreness which continues for several weeks interrupts the practice, and if it had not previously become too firmly fixed, it may be forgotten and not resumed.”and“In females, the author has found the application of pure carbolic acid [phenol] to theclitoris an excellent means of allaying the abnormal excitement.”
He is part of the reason why it is so common in male infants. Man I sure am glad that acid thing didn't become routine... but sadly for male babies they are still being cut years later... Don't you think people would have caught on to how inhumane and wrong this is?
(This video just goes into more detail of this history of Femal Circumcision, but it is not graphic:
Then I had this wonderful, perfect and WHOLE daughter...
After: When Makenzie was a few weeks old I had realized I would not be getting her ears pierced because I would not hurt her for cosmetic reasons and put her through a pain when she did not even ask for it to be done. Well then that got me thinking, if I'm not going to pierce my daughter's ears why would I have the MOST SENSETIVE PART of my son's penis chopped off! ( I began researching and came acros a Penn & Teller satirical video about how STUPID Routine Infant Circumcision is (I will now be ferering to circumsision as RIC). Well I decided to watch it and becom educated. (I will link this video but I will warn you there IS blood and a INNOCENT SCREAMING child! - ( anyways, as I sat there holding Makenzie and watching this I quickly closed the internet window when I was bawling so hard and I couldn't take it any longer. I held onto my daughter for dear life and promised her that I would never harm her in such a way!Especially for something medically UNECESSARY that is a COSMETIC SURGERY - yep, like fake boobs and rhinoplasty! ( -around 2:30 is when they really start talking about RIC and how cosmetic it is.)Also, The American Association of PEDIATRICS do NOT recomned RIC! ( anyone did not know this, but in utero male and female genitals start out looking ver similar, so similar in fact that you most likely could not tell them apart. ( And when we are born there are still similarities.The foreskin protects the head of the penis (glans) much like the labia protects the clitoris. Without the labia or foreskin then glans and clitoris would become desensetized from being exposed.
A few more facts can be found in these NON-GRAPHIC video, it is my favorite because the commentator debunks all the RIC myths and at the same time is VERY educational!
First video is one where the commentator does an overview of the circumsision segment that was featured on the show "The Doctors" this past winter (2011):
Second is a video comparing Male Genital Cutting (legal) with Female Genital cutting (illegal) -again this is non-graphic just informational:
And lastly I believe 100% that if this surgery is not going to be illegal to be done on infants for no medical reason, than every parent should have to watch a video of the procedure being done! I think that the rate of intact baby boys would be significantly higher!(Here is a link to a video I have not watched but I know it is GRAPHIC. I myself can NOT watch it because I get to emotional over the fact that I can not unstrap this poor baby and pick him up and hold him and tell him everything is going to be all right... but here it is:
I really, really hope that you will take the time to read the articles and watch some of the videos I have posted. Some people just don't get enough information and do not research enough. If you have ANY questions, just ask me or research and find out the truth for yourself and make an informed decision when it comes to your child!
For the most part those are the things I do "differently" then most 'modern' and 'mainstream' parents. And it doesn't make me better than anyone I just get so tired of people thinking I'm weird without knowing my reasons for doing so. But I guess now everyone will know why I am a 'weird, crazy hippie'. Lol. I actually have more to add but will do this on a later date for I am tired, but thanks for reading :]
Hello! My name is Jessica and I have been meaning to start a blog for sometime now and just haven't gotten around to it. I have posted notes on my Facebook in regards to what kind of parent I am becoming and I figure I should have a place where all my thoughts can become organized so I will be transferring those posts over to here. Anyways, on to the introductions!

I met my husband on April 5th 2009 and we started dating the very next day.
Things moved very fast with us and on March 17th 2010 I found out I was pregnant.
On June 6th 2010 we went to the courthouse and made the lifetime commitment of marriage.
Then we welcomed our first child into the world on November 19th 2010.
That is a shortened version so you don't have to read through all the details of how my life has been.
I hope people will read my blog and take interest in the information I post about, which will mostly involve parenting issues (especially at a young age), circumcision/intactivism information and just thoughts on life in general. Thanks guys. And if there is something you see that you have a question about let me know and I will do my best to research and find the best answer possible for you!
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