So around 5 months ago I became a parent. And it is like a switch flipped in my body that helps me make decisions and think more logically. I have been thinking today, and I figure I will write this down and mostly explain to myself and look back on who I was and who I have become.
Cloth Diapering:
Before: While I was pregnant I was set on disposables, I calculated them into our budget I signed up for samples, coupons, etc. And I recieved many as gifts in a result of my baby showers (which I am very thankful for). But when those diapers ran out I found myself asking John to run to the store just to buy diapers, or having to take out the trash everyday to avoid yucky diapers piling up.
Which brings me to...
After: Now that I have purchased a stash of cloth diapers and been using only cloth exclusively (meaning no disposables) for over a month, almost two months, I have discovered it is so much easier, cleaner and better than I had expected! I love my Bum Genius pocket diapers! Cleaning is a breeze, I never have any leaks (except when she falls asleep over night but even than leaks are rare), and they are not full of Cancerous Chemicals and plastic like Disposable Diapers! And they won't be filling up a landfill ( cloth diapered babies have been shown to potty train earlier than babies in disposable diapers. This link is showing the savings if you ONLY use fuzzibunz (which are kinda expensive to me- so I am saving more by using a different and cheaper brand). But don't forget, you can use the same diapers on multiple children! Besides the fact that you can resale these for almost always 50% (or more) of the price you paid orginally! So you will be getting some of your money back!
Bed Sharing:
Well truth is, I decided I would wait on a crib cause I wanted her to be in the room with us in her bassinet/pack'n'play (I guess I was slowly converting, lol). Well I bought my PNP, which I loooove- it has a changing station which I said I would never use but now adore changing Kenz on it. Anyways, I digress... Well there I was in the hospital learning how to breast feed and having the nurses bring my baby to me at night every 2 hours (yes, I woke up to feed my baby-shocker!). And well the second night I had her in there with me most of the night and I just couldn't seem to get a good sleep with her in the hospital "bassinet" thing so i had her in bed with me as she nursed.
Then we cam home from the hospital which meant...
After: I started out barely sleeping anyways cause I was too worried to let her leave my arms but I had to sleep sometime and I found that she slept really good when we were stomach to stomach. She nursed better, slept better which meant I slept better. And guess what? John liked her being in there too! I loved snuggling with my baby girl, we still do everyday and night!
Also I should mention that Kenzie has become a GREAT sleeper and sleeps TWELVE hours a night! And I have not had to utilize any sleep training, such as the "Cry It Out" method!( I have gotten much ridicule over me wanting Kenzie to sleep in our "Family Bed" but the funny thing is, she CAN and WILL sleep on her own in her bassinet some nights. She would most likely be able to sleep in there everynight but I WANT her to be in bed with John and I. Yep, that's right I want to be close to my child! *gasp*
Before: While I was pregnant I did very minimal research on the subject of Breast Feeding I just knew "Breast was Best". SO I would always say I think I will try, but if it doesn't work out I will use formula, no biggie. Well this has to be one of the BIGGEST regrets I have of my pregnancy. I wish I would have prepared more.
I also had some weird association that feeding a bottle to a baby is motherly and "what a mother does."
I had actually never seen a woman breast feeding in public, so I think I had this weird idea that you weren't supposed to do it in front of people, so I had no confidence on the subject and no information.
Which leads me to how my nursing journey has been since we left the hospital:
After: I always get emotional when I write about this, but I get stronger each time. So here it goes: I came home and Makenzie nursed like a champ! Then I think it was the day she turned 2 weeks old Breast Feeding started hurting ("What is this, my body is supposed to do this, why is it hurting?!).
Now with research I realize that with my next child I will be breastfeeding him and/or her until he/she is at least 1-2 years old ( And you know what? Everyone can get over that! Yes my kid will be able to walk and will still be drinking from my breast, you know why? Because that is NATURAL!
Anti-Genital Mutilation: (also known as "Circumcision")
Before: Let's back track to before I even got pregant. Well to me, I thought an intact penis was "gross" "ugly" & "dirty". You want to know why I believed these things? Because that is wat society wants us to believe... Then I became pregnant and I never really thought about circumsision but I joined babycenter ( and realized there were people on there that did not agree with circumcising their children, and my initial thought was "Eww, why not?!" Well, I found out I was having a girl and didn't give circ'ing another thought because circumcising a girl is "inhumane" and also "illegal" ( But you might be surprised to find out it has only been illegal since 1996! And in the 1800's John Harvey Kellog, yep the inventor of the corn flake, was an advocate for female and male circ'ing because they believed it would end masturbation. They also believed foreskin/masterbation cause epilipsy, insanity and many other illnesses/diseases. I will include this DIRECT QUOTE from John Harvey Kellog's book entitled, 'Plain Facts for Old and Young':
- “A remedy which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision, especially when there is any degree of phimosis. The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases. The soreness which continues for several weeks interrupts the practice, and if it had not previously become too firmly fixed, it may be forgotten and not resumed.”and“In females, the author has found the application of pure carbolic acid [phenol] to theclitoris an excellent means of allaying the abnormal excitement.”
He is part of the reason why it is so common in male infants. Man I sure am glad that acid thing didn't become routine... but sadly for male babies they are still being cut years later... Don't you think people would have caught on to how inhumane and wrong this is?
Then I had this wonderful, perfect and WHOLE daughter...
After: When Makenzie was a few weeks old I had realized I would not be getting her ears pierced because I would not hurt her for cosmetic reasons and put her through a pain when she did not even ask for it to be done. Well then that got me thinking, if I'm not going to pierce my daughter's ears why would I have the MOST SENSETIVE PART of my son's penis chopped off! ( Then I began researching and came acros a Penn & Teller satirical video about how STUPID Routine Infant Circumcision is (I will now be ferering to circumsision as RIC). Well I decided to watch it and becom educated. (I will link this video but I will warn you there IS blood and a INNOCENT SCREAMING child! - ( Well anyways, as I sat there holding Makenzie and watching this I quickly closed the internet window when I was bawling so hard and I couldn't take it any longer. I held onto my daughter for dear life and promised her that I would never harm her in such a way!
Incase anyone did not know this, but in utero male and female genitals start out looking ver similar, so similar in fact that you most likely could not tell them apart. ( And when we are born there are still similarities.The foreskin protects the head of the penis (glans) much like the labia protects the clitoris. Without the labia or foreskin then glans and clitoris would become desensetized from being exposed.
A few more facts can be found in these NON-GRAPHIC video, it is my favorite because the commentator debunks all the RIC myths and at the same time is VERY educational!
And lastly I believe 100% that if this surgery is not going to be illegal to be done on infants for no medical reason, than every parent should have to watch a video of the procedure being done! I think that the rate of intact baby boys would be significantly higher!
My Anti-RIC bracelet. Get yours free at: |
I really, really hope that you will take the time to read the articles and watch some of the videos I have posted. Some people just don't get enough information and do not research enough. If you have ANY questions, just ask me or research and find out the truth for yourself and make an informed decision when it comes to your child!
For the most part those are the things I do "differently" then most 'modern' and 'mainstream' parents. And it doesn't make me better than anyone I just get so tired of people thinking I'm weird without knowing my reasons for doing so. But I guess now everyone will know why I am a 'weird, crazy hippie'. Lol. I actually have more to add but will do this on a later date for I am tired, but thanks for reading :]