Like Mom's Milk Boutique on Facebook and Enter for a chance to win a Beco Baby Carrier!!
New Goal:
Okay so I kinda found a great deal on a Bum Genius 4.0 Artist series (15 bucks shipped, hell yeah!). And I let temptation get to me. It will be shipped out Monday and I'm so excited. But, there is a tiny problem- I was supposed to be earning SwagBucks to buy that and have since been semi-slacking in swag (although I have $15 in Amazon gift cards headed my way). So I am wandering- should I get the gift cards, spend them on another BG 3.0 artist series or get the cost of an Ergo baby carrier? (That's 111.00 so even if I got 75 bucks in gift cards it would still be a steal). But then there is another catch- I have a Mei Tai type carrier OTW. I have tried on an ERGO and LOVE it, and I'm just trying to weigh my options- I deff will use the Mei Tai, but will it still be comfortable when she gets bigger? -I should mention that the other day at The GCDC I tried on an Ergo with Makenzie in it, I only had it on for like a minute and fell in LOVE. John didn't even want me to try it on because he knew I would love it haha. I doubt I will be able to save that amazon money, knowing it's there mocking me everyday screaming "spend me! spend me!" Hmm, they do sell "Ergo" carriers from China that look identical but don't have the Ergo name so are half the cost- but then again I would be scared to buy that.
I'm not sure, I am just mostly rambling because it's 449 am and I can't sleep- John and Kenz are passed out in bed and here I am awake, maybe it's the tea/caffeine. I'm not really sure, I laid in bed and tried to sleep- I really did but I just couldn't do it, I have so many thoughts that run through my head when I sit in silence (or in this case lay). And now I'm sitting here typing my thoughts out.
My Thoughts:
What to do for Mother's Day?
Our anniversary and my 20th birthday are both in June, it's gonna be bitchin'.
My best friend Trevor comes home in June.
What kind of car should I get when we have a bigger family?
Are we gonna be able to get a house when our lease is up, or get a town home?
I want more swag bucks, but what will I spend them on?!?!?!?
I'm not sure, I am just mostly rambling because it's 449 am and I can't sleep- John and Kenz are passed out in bed and here I am awake, maybe it's the tea/caffeine. I'm not really sure, I laid in bed and tried to sleep- I really did but I just couldn't do it, I have so many thoughts that run through my head when I sit in silence (or in this case lay). And now I'm sitting here typing my thoughts out.
My Thoughts:
What to do for Mother's Day?
Our anniversary and my 20th birthday are both in June, it's gonna be bitchin'.
My best friend Trevor comes home in June.
What kind of car should I get when we have a bigger family?
Are we gonna be able to get a house when our lease is up, or get a town home?
I want more swag bucks, but what will I spend them on?!?!?!?
The Great Cloth Diaper Change:
Then at I got Makenzie ready to be changed from her "Mom's in the House" diaper ( into a BumGenius 3.0 pocket diaper in "Ribbit Green" (
As soon as the official buzzer rang everyone started and it was so great! I mean I know you are probably thinking, "WTF you change diapers all day everyday, what was so 'great'?" Well just knowing that we were setting a Guinness World Record and at that exact moment
cheaper and better it is for your child!
Earth Day/GCDC:
This Earth day has been a very different one for me because John, M & I are celebrating by taking part in The Great Cloth Diaper Change ( I am so very excited to become part of becoming a Guinness World record!! This event will be happening all over The World and maybe more people will realize how much Cloth Diapers have changed in the past 20 years! (
But I am very excited meeting other local moms that use Cloth Diapers. We will also be receiving a "goodie bag" because we were one of the first 15 people to sign up- we were actually the first people to sign-up because everyone knows John likes getting free things and he wanted to make sure we did, haha.
I will upload pictures tomorrow from the event (given I don't forget my camera like I always do!!) and will post a blog of how it goes! I am SO excited and have been looking forward to it for so long!!!
But I am very excited meeting other local moms that use Cloth Diapers. We will also be receiving a "goodie bag" because we were one of the first 15 people to sign up- we were actually the first people to sign-up because everyone knows John likes getting free things and he wanted to make sure we did, haha.
I will upload pictures tomorrow from the event (given I don't forget my camera like I always do!!) and will post a blog of how it goes! I am SO excited and have been looking forward to it for so long!!!
Life is too Boring to have A Blog:
The past couple days have been pretty uneventful. I am currently trying to sell some of the diapers I loathe using and get some new BumGenius diapers because those are the best I have used so far (except now M is strong enough to defeat the Velcro so I might have to convert to snaps but I don't wanna. I think I will just wait cause only every other day or so she notices, "Hey I can pull on this").
I really really want a BG 4.0 Artist Series in the "Eifel Tower" (black&white) print and now I have joined "Swag Bucks" and figured if I earn 1800 swag bucks then I can get a 4, $5 gift cards and a BG 4.0 artist series is 19.95 so I figure if I am gonna do SwagBucks I might as well get something I have really been wanting.

But that is just about all that has been happening, I have mostly been looking for new diapers and trying to sell the ones I hate. Also, I chilled with my Dad and Meme today. So life has been slow the past two days just a lot of cleaning and quality family time. I love it though, I wouldn't trade my old life for this. Ever. Eat your heart out.
Oooh and everyone needs to help me get swagbucks! Just go here and register: (
You don't have to do anything and it would take only a minute, Thanks so much everyone :)
You don't have to do anything and it would take only a minute, Thanks so much everyone :)
Common Sense Parenting:
Seriously, people that give their kids honey barbecue chicken (BONE AND ALL) to chew on and say "Oh the bone soothes her gums". They make me very, VERY sad. I don't really judge people when it comes to what age they start feeding their kids solids cause all babies are different and I would expect there to be some interaction with a pediatrician before hand and some knowledge of what foods are AGE APPROPRIATE. But giving a FOUR MONTH OLD child a CHICKEN BONE to chew on is NOT OKAY! (I don't care if she was "in your lap" that does not magically prevent her from choking, especially since she is laying horizontally on her back which actually heightens the chances of her choking!).
I know I talk about parenting choices I make, mostly because people are not educated. But I would have to say this is common sense? If I asked my 9 year old sister, "Hey should I give M (5months old) a chicken bone?" she would even say "Heck NO!" This has to be somewhat common knowledge, am I right? Even dogs are not supposed to chew on bones because of the risk of choking, so why would you allow a 4 month old baby to chew on one... Now I must say this post was inspired by a situation I ran into on teh interwebz but I won't name names or post links to threads from birth boards on baby websites. But it was best described as an episode of "Maury." I don't know if anyone watches that show, but if you have seen it, you know that most of the people on there are not very bright. Maybe I am being judgmental, but if someone actually thinks it is okay to give chicken bones to a baby I think they should have their ovaries removed, stat.
Babies first food, nomnomnom! |
5 months ago:
5 months ago on this day I was waking up to head to the hospital to have M. It has gone by so fast, but at the same time I feel like it has been forever since it was just John & I. I never get lonely now that M is here. She is starting to "talk" so much more, and really has her own personality. Sometimes she makes this face where she pulls her chin back and it makes her have a double chin and she will say "greebahbwahboa" which I know means "I love you Mommy" in her own little language.
We have been so blessed with such a "good" baby. Some mornings I will wake up to movement only for M to be rolling around, she rarely wakes up crying anymore- she is always the one waking up and to get my attention she will jab me with her feet or poke my arms or chest or her favorite is to grab me and scratch the inside of my mouth (ouch)!
I love seeing her do new things, she is a great learner. Her newest thing is she will put her arms up when she wants to be picked up or will grab for our hands if we want to pick her up. So smart! When she gets bored in her walker she will throw her toys off of it and pop her hands up, haha. Oh and that's another thing! She can make her walker move backwards! (Only on the tile, but she still has fun in it when it's on the carpet). I can't believe it has been 5 months already, she is so truly amazing and I do not know where I would be in life without her.
I do want to end by saying, that being a mom is the greatest thing ever and has changed my whole perspective on many, many things. I do not understand how people could have a child and not want to change everything just for them.
When you have a child your life changes, and yeah you have to wake up with them, change poopy diapers, feed them and dress them. But to me, that isn't the hard part.
The hard part is staying awake worrying that you are doing everything that is best for them, worrying that they don't get hurt (now on the play ground or the future in school, love and beyond) and hoping that you can provide the best possible life for them. And teach them to make good decisions and help them until they go off and have their own family while you step back and watch them go through the same things you went through...
To me, that is the hard part. The rest is just, routine.
We have been so blessed with such a "good" baby. Some mornings I will wake up to movement only for M to be rolling around, she rarely wakes up crying anymore- she is always the one waking up and to get my attention she will jab me with her feet or poke my arms or chest or her favorite is to grab me and scratch the inside of my mouth (ouch)!
I love seeing her do new things, she is a great learner. Her newest thing is she will put her arms up when she wants to be picked up or will grab for our hands if we want to pick her up. So smart! When she gets bored in her walker she will throw her toys off of it and pop her hands up, haha. Oh and that's another thing! She can make her walker move backwards! (Only on the tile, but she still has fun in it when it's on the carpet). I can't believe it has been 5 months already, she is so truly amazing and I do not know where I would be in life without her.
I do want to end by saying, that being a mom is the greatest thing ever and has changed my whole perspective on many, many things. I do not understand how people could have a child and not want to change everything just for them.
When you have a child your life changes, and yeah you have to wake up with them, change poopy diapers, feed them and dress them. But to me, that isn't the hard part.
The hard part is staying awake worrying that you are doing everything that is best for them, worrying that they don't get hurt (now on the play ground or the future in school, love and beyond) and hoping that you can provide the best possible life for them. And teach them to make good decisions and help them until they go off and have their own family while you step back and watch them go through the same things you went through...
To me, that is the hard part. The rest is just, routine.
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